Psychological Safety goes beyond mere philosophy;
it is a way of


At DIAKI, we are guided by the profound understanding of psychological safety as defined by Amy Edmondson—a shared belief that a team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.

It's not just a concept; it's the cornerstone of our commitment to creating an environment where every team member feels empowered to speak up, take risks, and learn from mistakes without fear of negative consequences.

It's about creating a space where interpersonal risk-taking isn't just allowed; it's encouraged. Embracing this philosophy takes dedication, especially when it comes to learning from mistakes openly and transparently, a principle Edmondson unveiled in her research on high-performing teams.

Yet, acknowledging these principles is easier said than done. It demands a continuous dedication to fostering an atmosphere where trust is not assumed but earned, where commitment goes beyond words to daily actions. It takes self-awareness to understand the nuances of each team member's strengths and challenges and a commitment to creating a workplace where individuals can bring their authentic selves.

As veterans and entrepreneurs, we've experienced firsthand the impact of leadership on creating trust, collaboration, and a secure space for individuals to thrive.

Choosing DIAKI means entering into a partnership that embraces these challenges, understanding that the journey isn't a straight path but a continuous loop of learning, growing, and adapting. Your collaboration with us isn't just a transaction; it's a shared commitment to building a workplace where psychological safety isn't just a buzzword, but a lived reality and every team member plays a vital role in the mission achievement. It’s more than a commitment; it’s a shared journey towards building a workplace where the strengths of individuals are celebrated, mistakes are opportunities for growth, and success is a collaborative achievement.


Arming ourselves with robust tools, we empower our team to provide unparalleled expertise in addressing all your psychological safety needs. 


 Learn what is psychological safety 

 Measure your baseline 

 Grow as a team 

 Leadership Training 



Learn more about Measuring Psychological Safety

Have a look at our Psychological Safety Workshop