What Is The NOVA Profile™
We use the behavioural assessment tool ‘The NOVA Profile™’ as a self-discovery tool for our leadership, career, and team mobilization workshops, as well as for our coaching sessions.
The NOVA Profile is a personal and professional validated development tool that measures:
- Behavioural Preferences
- Cognitive Preferences
- Natural Style (a person’s true nature) vs. Adapted Style (the social mask)
- Motivations and Values
The NOVA Concept is an optimal efficiency method to: Know yourself better Know and understand others better Better interact, in accordance with, self, others and the situation Legend: Me (M), Others (O), Situation (S)The NOVA Profile’s Optimal Efficiency
The NOVA Profile synthesizes three of the most striking studies on human behaviour patterns:
- Inspired by William Moulton MARSTON original DISC questionnaire (behavioural expression)–associated to the Language of Colours’ (see image below)
- Integrating the works of Carl Gustav JUNG (psychological types)
- Includes Eduard SPRANGER’s principles (motivations and values)
Information gained with the NOVA Profile™
Why do you:
- do certain things
- approach problems and challenges the way that you do
- deal with change the way that you do
- collect information the way that you do
- make certain decisions
What is your style of:
- communication
- management
- leadership
- sales
What are your:
- contributions to the team
- dominant perceptions
- behavioural preferences
There are several profiles available such as:
- Coaching (executive, business, life, etc.)
- Personal development
- Management
- Leadership
- Communication
- Team synergy
- Career orientation
- Organizational development
The assessment is available online, takes only 15 minutes to complete and generates a report of up to 40 pages (the questionnaire is available in five languages: French, English, German, Spanish, and Arabic).
Are you a military professional or veteran navigating a period of transition?
Explore how your NOVA can offer invaluable support during this crucial moment in your life’s journey.